ECIU University FORUM 2025 - applications are open!!!
Apply for the ECIU University Forum in Trento (Italy) and win Interrail tickets!
Apply for the ECIU University Forum in Trento (Italy) and win Interrail tickets!
From December 4th to 6th 2024, Daniyar Zhumatayev and Alicja Zielińska, ECIU University Student Ambassadors represented TUL at the ECIU Training Days held in Strasbourg, France. Read the article written by the students to find out more!
If you have been part of the ECIU University learning opportunities and experiences and want to share this journey with our community – be sure to apply for the Team Impact Award and inspire others with your story.
Join the ECIU Creathon 2024 at Linköping University in Sweden! Help us build the digital city of tomorrow and make the lives of the residents of Linköping and Enschede better.
ECIU office invites students and employees to participate in this year's edition of Mobility Week, which will last from November 20 to 24. The offer of ECIU University will be also presented.
A milestone reached: ECIU University is the first European Alliance to issue e-sealed micro-credentials. Join the webinar on 17 November to learn more about micro-credentials and how ECIU did it.
An offer to join The European Student Assembly - only for universities involved in European University Alliances. A 3-day in-person event at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France.
First TUL students attended a summer school organized by the University of Twente as part of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (#ECIU). In their account of this event, they describe activities they took part in, new relationships and new skills they learned. They strongly encourage others to participate as well.