

Barcelona 1
Oct 09, 2023

TUL at ECIU University Research Conference

Administrative staff

The conference of ECIU university researchers took place on 3 and 4 October in Barcelona. It was attended also by representatives of Lodz University of Technology.

Barcelona 4
Oct 05, 2023

ECIU University Research Conference summary


The first ECIU University Research Conference was organized at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) on 3-4 October. It was an extraordinary two-day event with over 250 attendees including ECIU University community members, researchers and stakeholders from public and private institutions.

Jun 26, 2023

Students' feedback from Create Tomorrow


We invite you to read a student's feedback from the hackathon 'Create Tomorrow'. This is an annual event prepared by the University of Twente where students from ECIU universities were provided with free participation and reimbursement of transport costs. The hackathon took place in early May 2023.

May 05, 2023

Europe Day


Happy Europe Day! Today marks a special occasion for us as we celebrate our European Community and all Europeans. At ECIU, we're dedicated to building a united Europe every day through collaboration, innovation, and education.

Feb 09, 2023

TUL and ECIU are standing for Ukraine


Lodz University of Technology has received funding from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange for the project ECIU4Ukraine, which will be implemented in cooperation with the European Consortium of Innovative Universities.

EU flag
Feb 01, 2023

Quest for legal status for European Universities


How can European Universities achieve a deeper, longer-term and more flexible form of cooperation? With EU support, the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) is set to explore this question and the possibility of a European status for European Universities.

EU flag
Jan 31, 2023

3 European University Alliances will work together


ECIU, YUFE AND EPICUR will lead an innovative approach to the European Degree. Together with two other European University Alliances, ECIU University will lead a pilot project to shape the future European Degree and to pilot an innovative approach with strong support of the European Commission.

Eciu magazine
Jan 05, 2023

New ECIU magazine

Business & society

In a brand new #ECIUuniversity magazine: interviews with our community members, colleagues sharing experiences, stories about how ECIU was founded and much more.
