

Marta RYbicka

Marta Rybicka

90-539 Lodz, Poland,
36 Zwirki Street

phone +48 42 638 38 49, +48 785 440 652
email eciuoffice@adm.p.lodz.pl

Agata Kostrzewa

Agata Kostrzewa

90-539 Lodz, Poland,
36 Zwirki Street

phone +48 42 638 38 72
email eciuoffice@adm.p.lodz.pl

Technical issues with ECIU Engage

All matters related to the ECIU Engage platform (problems with signing in, filling in personal data etc.)

email helpdesk@eciu.eu

Inquiries related to ELOs

All matters related to micro-modules and challenges, enrollment, credentials, etc.
(please state the name of the module in your email).


Inquiries related to mobility grants

If you wish to apply for a mobility grant to fund your short-term ECIU mobility,
Student Mobility Division at ICC should be your first point of contact.

Student Mobility Division:

phone +48 42 638 38 68, +48 42 638 38 75
email erasmus@info.p.lodz.pl

Recognition of ECIU at TUL 

Any questions concerning the recognition of ECTS credits and micro-credentials earned within ECIU should be addressed to your dean's office.

We also encourage you to read the announcement on the principles of recognition of ECIU educational offer.


Admissions Officers at TUL

Please contact this team if your problem is urgent and you have already tried to resolve it by contacting helpdesk@eciu.eu or support@eciu.eu.

Student Affairs Office:

phone +48 42 631 20 80
email anna.uszpolewicz@p.lodz.pl         email alicja.gorak@p.lodz.pl

ECIU Student Ambassadors

Students who know all about ECIU and would be happy to share their knowledge

Alicja, Eliza and Daniyar

 email eciuambassadors@info.p.lodz.pl
