

Nov 14, 2022

From pilot phase to the start-up European University


"In November, we are celebrating 3 years of ECIU University. It is an important threshold as we are transitioning from the first pilot phase to the start-up European University.
ECIU President Màrius Martínez says THANK YOU for all ECIU university community."

Nov 02, 2022

Story from CuriousU Summer School 2022


First TUL students attended a summer school organized by the University of Twente as part of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (#ECIU). In their account of this event, they describe activities they took part in, new relationships and new skills they learned. They strongly encourage others to participate as well.

ECIU University / Erasmus
Jul 28, 2022

Next phase of ECIU University granted!


The European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), a member of which TUL is, was granted the European Union Erasmus programme support to continue building ECIU University. Lodz University of Technology, as a full member of the ECIU, joined the application process and will take on an active role in the project implementation.

Jul 11, 2022

What is ECIU University for you?


ECIU University thansforms higher education to become an open ecosystem for solving real-life challenges, doing research and learning for life.

Mar 22, 2022

From pilot to start-up: The further roll-out of ECIU University


ECIU University will realise a fully-fledged European university with a hybrid European campus towards 2030. ECIU’s proposal to the EU has personalised, flexible and challenge-based learning pathways at the core, with a strong focus on research-based micro-credentials.

Feb 22, 2022

Among innovative universities


Lodz University of Technology is the only university from Poland which joined the elite network of European universities - ECIU – the European Consortium of Innovative Universities at the end of 2021, thus forming a unique partnership with one of the first European Universities selected by the European Commission in 2019.
