
ECIU Community of Practice for teachers


ECIU community of practice means collegial support, sharing problems, practices and ideas in an informal atmosphere to foster CBL and MM teaching and learning.

Oct 16, 2024

Invitation to join the ECIU Community of Practice – strengthening our Community of CBLlievers!

CBL - Challenge Based Learning

The ECIU Community of Practice consists of a group of teachers who work together to solve problems and upgrade their CBL skills. They believe in the importance of collegial support, of sharing problems, practices and proposals in an informal atmosphere as a way of fostering CBL and MM teaching and learning. Read the invitation from the community facilitator Kate Riley:

At the Community sessions, at 16.00 CET on the last Thursday of the month, we follow the Reflective Team approach: a ‘Presenter’ illustrates a sticky issue and asks the “Team” for help with a specific question; the “Team” reflect on the case, sharing their own experiences, making suggestions for actions and concrete proposals to address the issue, the Presenter listens but does not join in the discussion; during the “Debrief” the Presenter identifies which proposals they might implement in their next CBL experience.

To give you a flavour of the issues presented during our sessions, here are some of the questions from the Spring:

  • Coaching students in a CBL setting: What can I do in the first weeks to ensure that students are not completely lost already at the beginning?
  • Measuring the unmeasurable: How can we show students are developing transferable skills?
  • How can we promote responsible partnerships with society while implementing CBL?
  • What strategies can we implement to boost student recruitment?

To find out more about each case, go to the documents section on the Teacher Hub where you can find the Presentations describing the context of each case and the possible actions the “Team” proposed to address them.

The next sticky issues we will try to unstick during the October and November sessions are:

  • 31st October 16.00 CET: How can we engage external stakeholders throughout a Challenge? (link to the meeting)
  • 28th November 16.00 CET: How can we make peer observation of CBL more appealing? (link to the meeting)

Which issues we address are totally in the hands of the Community members. So, if there is any issue you would like to present or see as the focus of a session, please get in touch with the CoP facilitator Kate Riley (catherine.riley@unitn.it). And we can revisit topics – each issue has multiple facets worth exploring, so don’t be put off if we’ve already covered it.

The ECIU is about co-creation, cooperation and collaboration. The Community of Practice embodies these principles, we hope you will come and join us!


Here you can find instructions on how to join ECIU Teacher HUB.
