
ECIU4Ukraine - first participants already in Lodz


The first stage of the project ECIU4Ukraine is on. Our participants arrived in Lodz to take part in the City Regeneration Congress.


Lodz University of Technology has received funding from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange for the project ECIU4Ukraine, which will be implemented in cooperation with the European Consortium of Innovative Universities ECIU. The project aims to help Ukrainian Universities support international integration in these difficult times by bringing them closer to the European Universities Initiative. During a 1-year project, 10 partner universities from Ukraine will be involved in the supporting cooperation and academic exchange activities carried out by the ECIU.

The first group of 12 representatives from 10 Ukrainian universities arrived to take part in the City Regeneration Congress. It was possible thanks to the financial support of NAWA and special funds devoted to helping Ukraine during the war. The special occasion of the visit was a presentation given by Olga Wessels, Head of ECIU Brussels Office. Olga presented the idea of European Universities Initiative, explained the meaning and achievements of the ECIU University and also presented how ECIU supported Ukraine.

Participants from the ECIU4Ukraine project could organise and finance their travel from Ukraine and their stay in Lodz during the Congres where some representatives were also panellists at the sessions.  
