Erasmus+ Excellence: top award for Lodz University of Technology


"European Universities as the bedrock of an innovative Europe" was the theme of the first European Universities Conference organized by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE).

May 16, 2023
Administrative staff

The gathering, which took place on May 15 in Warsaw, was intended for Polish higher education institutions that are already members of consortia of European Universities, as well as for those seeking to join such international networks.

Lodz University of Technology was represented by Rector Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, who took part in the panel "European Universities paving the way to an innovative economy." The rector, outlining how the community of TUL has been benefiting from its membership in the ECIU network, said:

The partnership between the ECIU network and Lodz University of Technology is nothing but an asset. To students, it opens the opportunity to gain experience and study at one of the 13 European universities associated with it. I think this should be tremendously advantageous in the job market. To its staff, it gives the opportunity to participate in training courses organized by the network, to collaborate and exchange experience, to apply cooperatively for funding, etc. To its academics, naturally, it is instructional sharing of good practice and participation in summer schools, cooperation in research, which was previously possible, but is much easier within the network. And then to doctoral students - this is where, in my opinion, the offer is the greatest, encompassing not just training and research, but also taking part in a variety of programs. Finally, last but not least, social responsibility of the university and our offering to the broader community, the region. Here, it is primarily about lifelong learning opportunities. These appear to me to be the most important benefits, although there are more.’

The workshop 'Micro-credentials in the European University network' was led by dr inż. Dorota Piotrowska, TUL professor, Head of the International Cooperation Center, who was also a speaker on the panel 'Research in the area of European University networks'.  Asked how the ECIU offer differs from the traditional exchange, she explained:

Being a member of the ECIU University is a very important factor that transforms how our students and faculty experience mobility. In fact, mobility becomes a natural component of any student's learning process, offering them a double identity: that of a student of Lodz University of Technology, but also of the ECIU University. Thus, study mobility becomes a process inherent in partaking in the educational offer of the ECIU as a whole. Access to mobility, its scope, quality, and possibilities are also significantly improved. The speed of dealing with the formalities is also an incentive. And, finally, of course, contributing to building a student community that is meant to be part not only of the individual university, but of the entire ECIU University.’

The crowning event of the Conference was the award gala of the "European Universities - Alliances of the Future" competition, addressed to Polish universities that are members of consortia of European Universities. The winners were selected in five categories: 

- Personality;

- Innovation;

- Cooperation with the socio-economic environment;

- Erasmus+ Excellence;

- Support for Ukraine.

The competition was organized by the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program and the European Solidarity Corps. It has been the first event ever aimed at identifying the most inspiring and active Polish universities engaged in HEI alliances, as well as at promoting the idea and significance of European Universities for the Polish and European economy. Awarded were the Polish universities most actively involved in international university partnerships.

18 Polish universities competed for the award in each category. TUL was nominated in 3: Cooperation with the socio-economic environment, Erasmus+ Excellence, and Support for Ukraine .

Lodz University of Technology was victorious and received the award in the Erasmus+ Excellence category. The award was accepted by the rector of Lodz University of Technology, Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, during the ceremony.

Listed below are all of the winners:


Silesian University of Technology - prof. dr hab. inż. Marek Pawełczyk

Support for Ukraine:

University of Gdańsk


AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków

Cooperation with the socio-economic environment:

Poznań University of Technology

Erasmus+ Excellence

Lodz University of Technology

University of Opole
