
#ForEU4all: project kick-off


#ForEU4all is a new community of practice coordinated by the ECIU which unites 60+ European Universities alliances to foster collaboration and share best practices. The online kick-off event has concluded with an impressive turnout of over 230 participants.

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At the end of 2024, ECIU has become a coordinator of a new project, #ForEU4all. This community of practice brings together all 64 European Universities alliances and other higher education stakeholders such as student organisations and university associations into a single structure to foster a collaborative and supportive environment for sharing best practices and experiences.

This 4-year Erasmus+ project will seek to engage in meaningful dialogue with the broader Higher Education sector in Europe and beyond, as well as with European Commission services, the European Parliament and national policymakers to support transnational collaboration across the European Higher Education Area.

Two main goals of the FOREU4ALL are strengthening collaboration and sharing best practices. 

Below you can find specific project tasks outlined by the European Commission:

To achieve its objectives, #ForEU4all will:

  • establish topical groups on key topics to facilitate the exchange of best practices
  • develop guidelines and case studies on best practices, providing valuable insights and lessons for European Universities alliances and the wider higher education sector
  • engage with experts who are contributing to policy dialogue
  • organise events and activities, such as webinars, meetings and workshops, to share information and engagement
  • build the community through community-building activities to foster a sense of belonging and cooperation
  • boost the dissemination of transferable results of, as well as events, webinars and workshops organised by the European Universities alliances

#ForEU4all was officially launched during the online kick-off event which took place on 2nd December 2024 and gathered over 230 participants. 

More information about the project can be found here.
