ECIU University invites you to the presentation of its paper on Challenge-Based Research on 24 May at 15:00 CET at Rue d’Arlon 22 in Brussels.
Lia Karamali, Head of Unit R&I Actors and Research Careers at the European Commission, confirmed her participation. Greg Hughes, Chair of the ECIU Vice-President for Research group and Vice-President for Research and Innovation at Dublin City University, Fernando Vilariño, Associate Director at the Computer Vision Center and Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and Myra Ronzoni, ECIU University Project Manager at UAB, will be presenting.
There will be enough time for an open discussion, as we are curious to learn about your views on the topic.You will receive the ECIU paper in advance of the event, so you can reflect on our main messages and recommendations to enhance the impact driven approach of European research.
We expect policy-makers, representatives of universities, university alliances, regions and stakeholders; we look forward to seeing you physically again. Not able to join us phsyically? A livestream will be available too. Just register via the button below.
A detailed programme will follow early May.