
Lunch & Learn at ECIU


Lunch and Learn 🥪 & 🚀 Let’s Play! Interactive community building activities – tips and tricks

Jan 22, 2024
Administrative staff

Dear ECIU Organization,

Join this session to hear some examples on how to make meetings and events interactive for our community! 

ECIU University strives to build a sustainable, accessible, and inclusive European community with a European identity that promotes openness, equality and democracy while being open to the world.  

Let’s work towards this common goal, learn more about each other, and create further that sense of group togetherness and belonging to ECIU Community! 

Get some food for thought during your lunch with some examples from different ECIU colleagues on how you can implement concrete community-building activities and share your own experience! Let’s have fun, we'd love to hear your perspective and bring the ECIU community closer!  😎

We hope you can join us on Wednesday 24th of January 12.00 - 13.00 CEST. HERE is the link to connect! 
