
Mobility Week and Decentralised ECIU Days at TUL: photos


During the last week of November 2024, the International Cooperation Centre at TUL organised a Mobility Week – a huge annual event which plays a key role in promoting international mobility amongst our students and staff. Decentralised ECIU Days were celebrated as part of this event, too.

Dec 06, 2024

Our Student Mobility Officers did a fantastic job organising one of the most important annual events on campus, the Mobility Week - this year's edition of Mobility Week attracted a lot attention and both students and staff benefitted from a wide variety of events which took place on campus that week.

Some of the main activities included:​

- an international breakfast organised by foreign students, ​
- formal and informal student mobility info sessions (i.e. chatting about mobilities while having a heavily discounted coffee from a coffee truck!), ​
- Student and Staff Erasmus Cafés combined with a fortune-telling games night. Fortune telling is a key element of celebrating St Andrew's Day in Poland and it has been popular amongst children and adults alike for decades.​ Pouring wax is the most popular fortune teller of all, so obviously we had to try it here at the  International Cooperation Centre, too! ​
- the Mobility Leaders Awards ceremony during which the 'mobility leaders' (departments with the highest numbers of mobilities) were announced in three categories: staff mobilities, students' mobilities and participation in international internships.

Needless to say, ECIU promotion was part of the programme, too! Take a look at the photos to see some how our staff members and student ambassadors promoted the ECIU during this year's Mobility Week.
