
Coaching training for ECIU4Ukraine Project


At Lodz University of Technology, we hosted representatives from 10 different Ukrainian universities who took part in the training "Innovative Teaching, Learning and Coaching Tools and Methods (T&L) part 2"


The ECIU4Ukraine vol 2 project is in full swing. Representatives from 10 partner universities from Ukraine have arrived in Lodz to take part in the training "Innovative Teaching, Learning and Coaching Tools and Methods (T&L) part 2". This year's meeting was a continuation of training started during the previous edition of the project. Topics covered during the 3-day event included: holistic coaching and the change in the coaching model, coaching process, questions, values, beliefs and habits, and giving effective feedback - to name a few. 

The arrival of guests from Ukraine was possible thanks to a project written at Lodz University of Technology and funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA. Following the success of last year's first edition of the project, a continuation is being implemented this year. The project aims to help Ukrainian universities and support their international integration, in these difficult times, by bringing them closer to the European Universities Initiative and European higher education system. 

Project ECIU4Ukraine vol 2 intends to engage Ukrainian universities in activities of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities by inviting them to conferences, trainings and meetings. Some events already took place this year, like the City Congress in Lodz, the Research Week or the ECIU University FORUM in Kaunas. Some events are still planned for the second part of this year, like training for university management at CHEPS (the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies) in Holand, training in micro-credentials or the final conference. 


editTekst author: Marta Rybicka
