
Conference on higher education in Brussels


On Monday 29th April 2024, a conference on the future of higher education in the European Union took place, in which Lodz University of Technology and the ECIU actively participated.

Apr 29, 2024

On 29 April 2024, almost 300 representatives of EU higher education institutions, Member States, the higher education sector and European Union bodies met in Brussels at an event organised by the European Commission: "A blueprint for a European degree". The meeting presented the results of the Erasmus+ pilot projects on the European degree and European legal status for European University Alliances.

The main purpose of the event was to discuss future strategies for the development of these innovative formats from the European Education Area, based on the results of the Erasmus + pilot projects implemented at the level of the European University Alliances, taking into account the proposals contained in the 'Blueprint for European degree' announced by the European Commission on 27 March this year.

The Polish voice in this important discussion was Dr Dorota Piotrowska, Professor of Lodz University of Technology, and Director of ICC, representing the ECIU consortium and the FOCI project, in which we were an active participant. Without a doubt, both the Lodz University of Technology and the ECIU network will be strongly involved in building this important pillar of the future shape of the European Education Area. Our university was also involved in the second project presented at the event - the ESEU. It explored the legal basis for the European University Alliances and sought the best legal form for joint activities. This confirms how important it is for the Lodz University of Technology to actively participate in creating the future of education in the European Union. 
