PhD Thesis Offer at INSA Rouen
An experimental investigation of CO2 diluted oxycombustion for decarbonized industry - INSA Rouen is hiring one PhD student in combustion.
An experimental investigation of CO2 diluted oxycombustion for decarbonized industry - INSA Rouen is hiring one PhD student in combustion.
Invitation to take part in the ECIU workshop for researchers organised at TUL. The workshop will take place on June 13, 2023 (Tuesday), from 10.15 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. All are invited.
The offer of the Danish Universities fellowship focuses on identifying new pathways for building a sustainable industrial sector. There will be five places on a joint theme-based fellowship for a duration of 22 months from September 2023 to July 2025.
ECIU encourages scientists from Lodz University of Technology to take part in a webinar on the specific features of IP issues within Marie Skłodowska-Curie projects.
ECIU encourages scientists from Lodz University of Technology to take part in a webinar on how to properly deal with intellectual property issues and learn about common pitfalls and IP challenges in EU-funded research and innovation initiatives (Horizon 2020/HEU).
Researches from Lodz University of Technology are encouraged to take part in the EU online event, dedicated to the publishinig the 2022 edition of the Science, Research and Innovation Performance (SRIP) report and discussion with high level speakers on current trends in R&I and related policies.
ECIU University invites you to the presentation of its paper on Challenge-Based Research on 24 May at 15:00 CET at Rue d’Arlon 22 in Brussels.