
ECIU4Ukraine Vol. 1 & 2 - project summary


Second edition of the ECIU4Ukraine project came to a close. Read the article to find out more about the key project activities.

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The ECIU4Ukraine project, spanning Volumes 1 and 2, has been a remarkable journey of collaboration and innovation. This initiative, driven by the Lodz University of Technology (TUL) and supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, aimed to foster international integration at 10 Ukrainian universities by aligning them with the European Universities Initiative.

The project saw a series of dynamic activities, including exchanges, study visits, training courses, and conferences. These efforts not only broadened Ukrainian educators' knowledge of innovative teaching methods but also strengthened their ties with the ECIU alliance.

One of the standout moments of the project was the Summary Conference on November 15th. This event brought together Ukrainian partners and international guests to celebrate and reflect on the project's successes. The conference featured engaging sessions on the strategic dimensions of higher education, cutting-edge teaching and learning techniques, and pioneering research strategies in Ukraine. Distinguished speakers, such as TUL's Rector Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik and ECIU's Secretary General Katrin Dircksen, honoured the event with their insightful contributions.

Key Achievements:

  1. Enhanced Teaching Methods: The project introduced innovative teaching and learning methods, such as challenge-based learning and micro-credentials, to Ukrainian educators (Innovative Teaching and Learning Tools and Methods (T&L) with CoachingInnovative Teaching, Learning and Coaching Tools and Methods (T&L) part 2)
  2. Strengthened International Ties: It fostered stronger connections between Ukrainian universities and the ECIU alliance, promoting international collaboration (ECIU ForumResearch Week at Lodz University of Technology)
  3. Capacity Building: Through various training sessions and workshops, the project significantly enhanced the competencies of Ukrainian academic staff (ECIU University Research ConferenceEuropean Universities for UkraineSummary Conference
  4. Strategic Insights: participation in training and conferences provided valuable insights into the strategic aspects of higher education and research in Ukraine (City Regeneration CongressTraining course for rectors delivered by the Center For Higher Education Policy StudiesIV International Congress Culture of the Regenerative City)

We want to express our support and gratitude to our partners from Ukraine, including the ten universities that took part, and to the members of the ECIU alliance. Your engagement and teamwork have been crucial to the success of the ECIU4Ukraine project. We couldn't have done it without you!

The ECIU4Ukraine project stands as a testament to the power of international cooperation and the shared commitment to advancing higher education. It has paved the way for future collaborations and set a benchmark for excellence in academic integration and innovation.
